Using Play dough to Teach the Alphabet

Playdough is fun for kids. It stimulates their creativity and stimulates their brains. Here are some ways to incorporate it into their alphabet learning.

  1. Tracing with playdough

For this, you’ll need little alphabet cards. Have your child roll sticks of playdough and stick them onto the shapes of the different letters. You might even want to choose a color that starts with the same letter as the one they’re forming out.

  1. Write it out

Again, have your child roll long sticks of playdough. This time, have them form out words on a flat surface like a table or on the floor. It could be their name or a word of the day. You can have them distinguish between capital and common letters, too.

  1. Carve it in

For this one, either you or your child (kids love doing this part!) can roll the playdough as flat as you can with a rolling pin. Then, use a pencil or stick and carve letter or words into the playdough. Once you’re done, you can use pebbles, beans, or beads to trace the indented shape of the letters in the playdough.

  1. Stamp the letters

If you have magnetic letters or any wooden or plastic toy shaped like letters, you can stamp the letters into the flattened playdough. Name the letters as you stamp or have your child do it. You can even encourage your child to trace the shape of the letters with their fingers.

With these fun, creative ways, you’ll help your preschooler learn the alphabet! We are sure there are other fun ways of using playdough to teach the alphabet we haven’t mentioned here. Feel free to contact us with your ideas.