Subtraction word problems up to hundreds basic Mathematics quiz

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Word problems give the actual picture of how the learned mathematical concepts have to be applied in the real life. Here in this quiz, there is a simple usage of vocabulary and the kid is not strangled with complicated words. It requires some understanding to gather details for solving the word problems where the first step is to identify what is being asked and then search for the details that could be acting as a clue. The basic operation that has to be done is subtraction but the aim is to make the kid get the feel of how it should be applied in daily life.

Teaching subtraction by word problems

Subtraction word problems can be a challenging concept for children to understand, especially when working with larger numbers in the hundreds. However, with practice and the use of visual aids, children can learn to solve these problems effectively.

One effective method for teaching subtraction word problems to children is to use manipulatives, such as blocks or counters. These visual aids allow children to physically manipulate the numbers and better understand the concept of subtraction. For example, if a word problem asks, “If there are 7 apples and 3 are eaten, how many apples are left?” a child can use blocks or counters to represent the 7 apples and then take away 3 to find the answer of 4 apples left.

Another method is to use a number line to help children visualize subtraction. A number line can be used to show the starting number and the number being subtracted, making it easy for children to see the difference between the two. For example, if a word problem asks, “If a bike ride is 20 miles and you have gone 10 miles, how many miles are left?”, a child can use a number line to count down from 20 and visualize the remaining 10 miles left.

It’s also important to use real-world examples and scenarios to make the subtraction word problems more relatable for children. For example, instead of using abstract numbers, use scenarios such as “If there are 8 cookies on a plate and you eat 3, how many cookies are left?” Using real-world examples makes the math more meaningful and helps children to connect the problem to their everyday lives.

To practice subtraction word problems, it’s helpful to have children work with a partner or in small groups. This allows them to verbalize their thinking, receive feedback from their peers, and build a deeper understanding of the concept.

In addition, it’s helpful to encourage children to check their work by reversing the subtraction and adding the original numbers. For example, if the problem is 8-3=5, children should be able to check their work by adding 5+3 to check if the number should be 8 or not.

While solving subtraction word problem for kids, it’s important to keep in mind that children will progress at their own pace. Encourage children to take their time, use manipulatives and visual aids, and keep practicing to build their understanding and confidence with subtraction word problems.

In short, subtraction word problems can be challenging, but with the use of manipulatives, visual aids, real-world examples, and practice, children can learn to solve them effectively.