Spelling Numbers Above 20 basic Mathematics quiz

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It is easy to spell numbers such as 1 – one, 2- two and likewise, them being below 20 as the student is expected to have been exposed to write down the word representation of numbers up to 20. This quiz notches up to a good level, asking the kid to spell the numbers that are presented and the number is simply beyond 20. There are options provided with each word and the child has to pick the right numerical representation for that word. Once a candidate finishes this quiz, he/she will feel confident enough to spell any number beyond twenty without hesitation and fear.

How to spell numbers above twenty?

Spelling numbers can be a tricky task, especially when it comes to numbers that are above 20. Here are some tips and rules to help you spell numbers correctly:

  1. For numbers 21-29, you simply need to add the suffix “-ty” to the number 20. For example, 21 is spelled “twenty-one,” 22 is “twenty-two,” and 29 is “twenty-nine.”
  2. For numbers 30-99, you need to combine the tens place with the ones place. For example, 35 is spelled “thirty-five,” and 99 is “ninety-nine.”
  3. When spelling numbers 100 and above, you need to use the word “hundred.” For example, 100 is spelled “one hundred,” and 200 is “two hundred.”
  4. When spelling numbers 1000 and above, you need to use the word “thousand.” For example, 1000 is spelled “one thousand,” and 5000 is “five thousand.”
  5. To spell numbers that are larger than 1000, you can use a combination of words and numerals. For example, 100,000 is spelled “one hundred thousand,” and 1,000,000 is “one million.”
  6. If you’re not sure how to spell a number, you can always use a dictionary or look up the correct spelling online.
  7. Practice makes perfect! The more you practice spelling numbers, the better you’ll become at it.

I hope these tips help you with spelling numbers above 20. Just remember to take your time and refer to a dictionary or online resource if you’re not sure. With practice and patience, you’ll be a pro at spelling numbers in no time!