Pre-Algebra Addition With Decimals Math quiz for kids

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The concepts of algebra require a lot of practice in order that they seep very well into the child’s brain. Here in this quiz, this responsibility is justified by asking the child to solve the questions that contain equations where decimals are added. The sum is present on the right side of the equation for few of the questions and there is an unknown variable present on the left. The child has to find out what that value is, with the help of the other number that exists adjacent to it through use of basic addition, subtraction and might be the multiplication and division also. On the whole, the quiz shapes the algebra skills in the kid.

Adding numbers with decimals

Pre-algebra is the math you learn before you start learning algebra. One of the topics in pre-algebra is addition with decimals. Decimals are numbers that have a point followed by some more numbers. The point is called the decimal point and the numbers after it are called decimal places. Decimals are used to represent numbers that are between two whole numbers.

For example, the number 2.5 is between 2 and 3. It is written using a decimal point because it is not a whole number. The number 0.5 is also between 0 and 1. It is also written using a decimal point because it is not a whole number.

To add decimals, you first need to line up the decimal points. This is because the decimal points show where the ones, tenths, hundredths, etc. places are. When you add, you need to make sure that you are adding the numbers in the same place value.

For example, let’s add 0.5 and 0.3:

0.5 + 0.3 = 0.8

We lined up the decimal points and added the numbers in the ones place value. The answer is 0.8.

Now let’s add 2.5 and 3.7:

2.5 + 3.7 = 6.2

Again, we lined up the decimal points and added the numbers in the ones place value. The answer is 6.2.

But what if we want to add a number that has more decimal places than the other number?

For example, let’s add 0.5 and 0.35:

0.5 + 0.35 = 0.85

We still lined up the decimal points and added the numbers in the ones place value. But now we have an extra number after the decimal point. This number is called a carrying number.

Carrying numbers happen when you add two numbers and the sum is more than 9. In this case, we had to carry the 1 over to the next place value. This is just like when you add two numbers that are larger than 9.

For example, let’s add 13 and 27:

13 + 27 = 40

We had to carry the 1 over to the next place value because the sum of 3 and 7 is more than 9.

Now let’s add 2.56 and 3.7:

2.56 + 3.7 = 6.26

We lined up the decimal points and added the numbers in the ones place value. We also had to carry the 1 over to the next place value because the sum of 6 and 7 is more than 9. The answer is 6.26.

In summary, to add decimals:

  1. Line up the decimal points.
  2. Add the numbers in the same place value.
  3. If the sum is more than 9, carry the extra number over to the next place value.

With practice, you will get better at adding decimals and it will become easier for you. Just remember to always line up the decimal points and add the numbers in the same place value.