Patterns Printable PDF Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:Patterns

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to identify and create patterns using various materials such as colors, shapes, and numbers.

Materials: Colored paper, scissors, glue, chart paper, markers, pattern blocks

Introduction (5 minutes): Begin the lesson by asking students if they have ever noticed patterns in their everyday lives, such as a repeated design on a shirt or a specific sequence in a song. Allow students to share their examples and write them on the board. Explain that patterns are a repetition of a specific sequence and that we can find them in many things.

Direct Instruction (10 minutes): Explain to students that patterns can be made using different materials, such as colors, shapes, and numbers. Write a simple pattern on the board, such as red, blue, red, blue. Ask students to identify the pattern and continue it. Write a few more patterns using different materials, such as shapes and numbers, and have students identify and continue each pattern.

Guided Practice (15 minutes): Divide students into small groups. Give each group a set of pattern blocks and colored paper. Have students work together to create a pattern using the pattern blocks. Allow them to use their creativity and come up with their own patterns. Monitor the groups and provide feedback as needed.

Independent Practice (20 minutes): Hand out a worksheet to each student with different patterns on it. Ask students to identify and continue each pattern. Provide additional support to students who need it. Collect the worksheets and provide feedback to students.

Closure (5 minutes): As a class, review the different patterns students created using pattern blocks. Ask students to share any strategies they used to create their patterns. Remind students that patterns can be found in many things and that they can continue to look for patterns in their everyday lives.

Assessment: Observe the students during the independent practice to assess their understanding of identifying and continuing patterns. Collect and review the worksheets to assess students’ ability to identify and continue patterns.

Note: The above is just a general guide, adjust duration and activities according to the class size and student’s level of understanding.