Introduction to Logical Reasoning Lesson Plan for Teachers

Lesson Title:Introduction to Logical Reasoning

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to understand and use logical reasoning to solve problems and make logical conclusions.


  • Logical reasoning worksheets
  • Logical reasoning task cards
  • Dry-erase boards and markers
  • Introduction (10 minutes):

  • Begin the lesson by discussing how we use logical reasoning in our daily lives. Ask students if they know what logical reasoning is and what it can be used for.
  • Introduce the concept of logical reasoning and explain that it is the process of using facts, evidence, and reasoning to draw a logical conclusion.
  • Direct Instruction (20 minutes):

  • Have students work on logical reasoning worksheets to practice identifying logical connections and drawing logical conclusions.
  • Review the concepts of premises, evidence, and conclusions in logical reasoning.
  • Guided Practice (25 minutes):

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of logical reasoning task cards.
  • Explain the rules of the task cards and have students work together to identify the logical connections and draw logical conclusions based on the information provided.
  • Monitor students as they work and provide feedback and support as needed.
  • Independent Practice (15 minutes):

  • Give students dry-erase boards and markers, and have them work independently to identify the logical connections and draw logical conclusions based on