Fun ways to teach math word problems

Math word problems are loved by a few and hated by many. A fun way of teaching math word problems is to keep it informal. Remember word problems could be applied to several real life scenarios which all seem normal until you start making them look complex with math formulas. By relating word problems more to real life experiences (where they are drawn from) than from abstract formulas (that they later become) increases the level of interest.

Fun ways to teach math word problems:

  • Primarily, an analysis needs to be done before solving a math word problem based on the age of the student.
  • Break down word problems into visual representations which kids can easily relate to. Breakdown different segments of word problems into constitutive building blocs which could be understood individually.
  • How you interpret and inculcate the skills is more important than reading out the question and making them solve it. The question might be simple to understand, but to leave a lasting impression on the student, we have to generate interest that lasts longer in their minds. Try to include the answer to the question and get the answer from the students.
  • Encourage team work and a problem solving approach. This encourages bonding between students and they tend to think collectively by sharing their views.
  • Avoid math word problems that seem monotonous. Include variety in the stories behind each problem; also give students problems that push them further into other innovative ways around solving them.
  • Break down math word problem based on the math operations involved. Make students to provide answers for each segment of the math operation. This makes students to have a sense of how mixed operations function in real life. This approach also triggers critical thinking in students. But in the same token let the students do the work.
  • In order to make your students answer math word problems keep the calculations simple for a start. Do not start with complex math operations and big numbers. Students are still learners and we need to allocate the time and problems according to their level.
  • Do not keep math word problems only in the math class; include math word problems in other subjects as well when the opportunity presents. For example in a social studies class, in a science class or in a language class. This might seem intrusive for students at the start but over time they will soon start enjoying this method of learning. It will also enable teachers to shoot two birds with one stone.
  • Make each problem easy to read and understand. Problems that are not clear right from the start set the stage for failure.
  • Make your questions more interesting and funny to the students. Remember making kids laugh occasionally reduces the stress levels in class. And making kids laugh is quite easy, you mustn’t be a comedian to do so.
  • Students should be taught to identify patterns in word problems. The same question interpreted in a slightly different manner leads to a different result altogether.

Finally, the last trick it to encourage students even when they fail and orientate them in other ways to find the right answers. Let us know your thoughts and share with us other fun ways of teaching math word problems to children.