Teaching in New York is an unrivaled opportunity to immerse every teacher in one of the most magnificent cities in the United States. Just like taking up any job, either within the United States or in a foreign country, the most distinct aspect that inclines to be the most decisive factor is the salary you can expect. This article aims to shed some light on the salary structure of a teacher in New York. Reality is that it will take a lot of patience and research to land your first job in New York as the competition is fierce.

Teacher’s Salary in New York

One of the first things to recognize about teacher’s salaries is that it does vary from state to state. Most of the low performing states in the United States have the highest teacher salaries. So it’s not fair to advise that there is a dollar-for-dollar correlation between high teacher pay and positive educational results.

The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. First and most obviously, the cost of living varies in different parts of the country — a first-year teacher in New York City, makes over $60,000 a year.

New York is one of the few cities in the United States that enjoys one of the best education standards. Today this city even boasts of one of the largest and most diverse economies in the United States, representing the most influential education industry that supports more than 4 million jobs in the US economy. New York is one of those cites in the United States where teaching is considered as one of the most prestigious career options.

The city is well known for some of the best schools and universities compared to any other town in the United States. Adding to this, teachers in New York can benefit from the slower pace of rural schooling, the exhilaration of city life, or almost anything in between. Every year, this city offers a large number of jobs in the teaching profession. Some of these include teaching opportunities in various creative fields like music, dance, art and other normal subjects like science, math, history, geography, languages and others.

Today the education industry in New York is known for its high standards and positive student results. As per the National Centre for Public Policy and Higher Education, New York is just one of those cities that enjoy an excellent per cent score in the state comparison report on college preparedness. The National Centre for Education Statistics also reported that most of the students studying in New York have scored at or above the national average for all mandated 4th and 8th-grade standardized tests including reading and writing in the last few years.

With more than 700 local school districts, New York is one of the largest teaching districts that feature a diversified student body. The student-teacher ratio is under 13:1 range in most traditional public schools and charter schools. Apart from all this, New York even offers its teachers the highest salaries in the nation. According to the recent analysis done by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, New York teachers earn an average salary of over $60,000 per year. The following breakdown may further illustrate the salary range a teacher can earn in New York:

Elementary teacher average salary per annum: $72,930

Secondary teacher average salary per annum: $79,720

Special education teacher average salary per annum: $73,190

Teachers’ salary based on qualifications and experience

Bachelor’s degree, no prior teaching experience: $56,711

Master’s degree, eight years of teaching experience, plus additional coursework: $85,794

New teachers with a master’s degree but no prior teaching experience: $63,751

Definitely with such salary scales, teaching in New York can be an enriching experience for any teacher. Though the employment outlook for teaching in New York largely depends on one’s experience, if you are experienced in a subject that is currently understaffed, the probability of securing a well-paying job or participating in incentive programs can be excellent.

Also check other aspects of New York that make it and attractive city to live in like its tourism sector, transportation, proximity to other cities and cultures. Let us know your thoughts on the subject.