Compare two fractions Math Quiz Online

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Comparing two fractions with different numerators and denominators using standard symbols is the concept involved with the questions in this quiz. In this quiz, students will compare two fractions using the following standard symbols: greater than >, less than < and equal to =. To identify a fraction is itself a big deal and then again to involve tasks such as comparing becomes a nightmare soon after the concept is learned and if there was not much attention paid in practicing it. This quiz helps the child to get past that kind of typical situations. The questions are kinda tricky yet not very complex to frighten the child.

How to compare two fractions?

Comparing fractions can be a tricky concept for kids to understand, but it’s an important part of math. A fraction is a way to show a part of a whole, like a slice of a pizza. For example, if you have a pizza that’s been cut into 8 slices and you eat 3 of them, you can say that you’ve eaten 3/8 of the pizza.

To compare fractions, you need to look at the numerator (the top number) and the denominator (the bottom number) of each fraction. The numerator tells you how many parts you have, and the denominator tells you how many total parts there are. For example, if you have 3/8 of a pizza, and I have 2/8 of a pizza, we can compare the fractions to see who has more pizza.

When the denominators (the bottom numbers) of the fractions are the same, it is easy to compare the fractions, you just need to look at the numerators. For example, if you have 2/8 of a pizza and I have 3/8 of a pizza, we can see that I have more pizza because my numerator (3) is larger than yours (2).

But when the denominators (bottom numbers) of the fractions are different, it can be a bit more difficult to compare the fractions. To compare fractions with different denominators, you first need to find a common denominator. A common denominator is a number that is a multiple of both denominators. In our example, if you have 2/8 of a pizza, and I have 5/12 of a pizza, the common denominator is 24 (8 x 3 = 24 and 12 x 2 = 24).

To find the common denominator for two fractions, you can start by listing the multiples of the denominator of the first fraction, then the multiples of the second fraction until you find a common multiple.

So to compare 2/8 and 5/12, we can first find the common denominator by multiplying 8*3 = 24. Then convert 2/8 to 6/24, and 5/12 to 10/24. Now it is easy to see 10/24 is greater than 6/24.

Another way is to simply multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction, and the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by the denominator of the first fraction.

For example, if you have 2/8 of a pizza, and I have 5/12 of a pizza, we can multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction: 2/8 x 12/12 = 24/96 And we can multiply the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by the denominator of the first fraction: 5/12 x 8/8 = 40/96 Now, we can see that 40/96 is greater than 24/96, so I have more pizza than you.

It is important to note that comparing fractions can be hard and it may take a lot of practice to fully understand the concept. it is also important to note that fractions are not always have to be reduced to its lowest form before comparing it to another fraction.

Now, you know how to compare two fractions! Practice comparing different fractions and soon you’ll be an expert at it!