
Converting ratios to fractions – decimals – percentages Time challenge quiz

Converting ratios to fractions – decimals – percentages

Converting ratios to fractions – decimals – percentages. Math multiple choice time challenge game is an exciting game for kids to test their skills very quickly. The hour glass doesn’t wait for anyone, you have a few seconds to think and select the correct answer. It is a smart mental math game to check math skills. Have fun with the hour glass!


Add fractions horizontal arrangement En garde games

Add fractions

Add fractions Math en garde duel game – Choose the right fighter and get ready for a duel. Roll the mouth to the right or left sides of the game over the letters to see various answer choices for a question asked each time. If you choose the correct answer you have a chance to hit the adversary by clicking three times in the center or defined area. In the end the player with the most number of strikes wins the game. This is determined by the number of correct answers chosen during the game. Have fun !


Addition of fractions with large denominators walk the plank game

Addition of fractions

Addition of fractions math walk the plank game is a fun game with pirates on a boat at sea. Get the answers right, click to roll the dice and move forward or backward on the plank. Each time you fail a problem, the pirates chase you one more step out of the boat. If you keep choosing the wrong answers, you will end up being pushed out of the boat into sea where monster sharks are waiting for you. Have fun!