Adding Mixed Fractions Free Math Quiz

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Mixed fractions are the most confusing natives of the fraction concept. To put it more simply, in a mixed fraction there is a whole number to the left and a fraction on the right. In order to add or perform any operation on them, the number has to be converted into standard fractions. To do that the denominator is multiplied by that whole number and then added to the numerator. Once the fraction is attained in proper shape, the usual addition could be done. This quiz asks the student to put this effort into more practice so that it won’t frighten them the next time they need to do any operations on mixed fractions.

Learn to add mixed fractions step by step

Adding mixed fractions can be a bit tricky, but it’s definitely doable with a little practice! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you add mixed fractions:

  1. Start by writing down the mixed fractions you want to add. For example, if you want to add 1 3/4 + 2 5/8, write them down like this: 1 3/4
    • 2 5/8
  2. Next, you’ll need to find a common denominator for the two fractions. This is the number that both of the denominators (the bottom numbers) can be divided into evenly. In this case, the denominators are 4 and 8, so a common denominator would be 8.
  3. Now that you have a common denominator, you can change the two fractions so that they both have the same denominator. To do this, you’ll need to multiply the first fraction’s numerator (the top number) by 2, and leave the denominator the same. So 1 3/4 would become: 2/8
  4. Next, you’ll need to multiply the second fraction’s numerator by 4 and leave the denominator the same. So 2 5/8 would become: 10/8
  5. Now that both fractions have the same denominator, you can add them together by adding the numerators and leaving the denominator the same. So: 2/8 + 10/8 = 12/8
  6. Now you have a new fraction, 12/8 . To get the final answer, you can simplify it by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor which is 4, so 12/8 = 3/2

And there you have it! The final answer for 1 3/4 + 2 5/8 is 3/2.

It’s important to note that, when adding mixed fractions, the whole number is treated as a fraction with denominator of 1 .

So when you add a mixed fraction like 1 3/4 to another mixed fraction like 2 5/8, it is the same as adding 1 + 3/4 and 2 + 5/8, then adding the two results together.

And for the final answer, just like any other fraction, you can check the denominator is not in its simplest form, then you can simplify it further by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.

Remember that practice makes perfect, so keep trying to add mixed fractions until you feel confident with the process.