6 Ways to Spot the Differences between ADHD and Bipolar in Children and Teens

Bipolar Disorder and ADHD (Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder) have a lot of similarities and due to this, there may be difficulty in differentiating them. In this article, we shall be learning about six ways to spot the differences between these two conditions.

  1. Irritable Moods vs. Explosive Rage

Kids experiencing ADHD do not usually destroy property or lose touch of reality when they have temper tantrums. Additionally, their burst of anger is usually for a short period of time. Kids suffering from bipolar disorder on the other hand always have an explosive rage. This is different from regular anger because it comes without any signal and without any apparent reason behind it. It usually lasts for hours and is quite hard to control because it is more like a seizure instead of an emotional episode.

  1. Behavior/Attention vs. Mood

Teens and children who are experiencing ADHD usually have issues with distraction, cognitive functioning as well as finishing assignments/tasks. Bipolar disorder has an impact on mood. It can result in mood swings which can move from hyper maniac to depressive lows. A bipolar kid may be inattentive if going through a state of depression because the desire to care about any activity has been lost while an ADHD child is inattentive because of the lack of the ability to focus on a specific thing at any given time.

  1. Mood Intensity

The way kids suffering from ADHD react to life events is basically seen as expected and is usually less intense and serious while in a bipolar child, reaction to life events is usually exaggerated when compared to the events themselves.

  1. Mood Swing Duration

Bipolar kids experience abstract feelings which can be life disrupting and deep. Their depression can stay for long periods of time and can lead to serious issues in aspects of their lives like at school, home environment and friendships meanwhile the kids experiencing ADHD have moods that appear and vanish and usually do not remain in a constant state of depression.

  1. Treatment

A kid experiencing ADHD is usually provided a stimulant which works faster than an antipsychotic medication or antidepressant and is able to focus better with lower levels of energy within a short period of time. In the case of a bipolar kid, an antipsychotic medication is utilized when suffering from a panic episode; this helps in reducing the energy level of the kid. Additionally, when a kid who is bipolar and in an episode of depression is offered an antidepressant, their moods will become better in some weeks (longer period of time) and their attention and energy comes back.

  1. Hyperactivity vs. Mania

Kids who suffer from ADHD are also known to be energetic when they are hyper than kids suffering from Bipolar disorder.

Generally, teens and children suffering from ADHD and bipolar are more likely to have low self-esteem because of the poor feedback they get from adults about how they behave. Keep and eye out and make sure you track the behavior patterns of kids to see if they need extra help. Unfortunately, the tendency is for teachers to focus more on the disruptive behaviors of these kids rather than sympathize with their predicament. More empathy will go a long way to hep them better integrate in the group.