
Converting decimals to fractions Grade or no grade game

Convert decimals to fractions

Math grade or no grade game on how to convert decimals to fractions – This is a fun game for kids. Choose the correct answer and get a chance to choose an envelope of points A,B,C,D or E. You have the choice to take it of leave it. You have no chance to continue if you fail any question. Make sure you watch out before selecting an answer. Have fun !

Convert decimal to fractions game for kids online

Convert decimal to fractions game for kids online. Through this game children will test their skills through MCQ’s and instant feedback they get. The blend of fun and learning is a great way for children to develop interest in math. This is also a cool math game which children can use while in the classroom or at home. This game is for children in 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th grades.