
Convert fractions to decimals Grade or no grade game

How to convert a fraction to a decimal

Math grade or no grade game on how to convert a fraction to a decimal – This is a fun game for kids. Choose the correct answer and get a chance to choose an envelope of points A,B,C,D or E. You have the choice to take it of leave it. You have no chance to continue if you fail any question. Make sure you watch out before selecting an answer. Have fun !

Interactive math test online on converting fractions to decimals

This is an interactive math test online on converting fractions to decimals. Here children will improve their skills by taking a math quiz that contains multiple choice trivia questions and also the fun aspect of making random decisions as regards keeping or discarding winning envelops. This game is a great extra resource which teachers and parents could use as extra homework practice with kids in 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grades. Have fun online with this cool math game.